Thursday, January 8, 2009

I Have No Ambition

Well, not much.


I have a dream. My friend has one too. She's remodeling her home, converting the garage into an apartment. She plans to live in the converted garage and rent the house out. Coincidentally, I've been in the process of deciding to either do something similar or just outright selling the house and renting elsewhere.

We want to downsize (a lot) and enjoy our lives. A house full of Cheap Chinese Crap, outrageous car payments, impressing social contacts, back-stabbing career politics and a deadly dull work routine do not appeal to me.

I quit my wage slave job in May; who wants to keep working their ass off helping someone else live their dream while you just hope you can keep making enough money to continue paying the bills month after month, year after year, and getting no further ahead? Add insult to injury: And Then You Die. My girlfriend likens it to the donkey after a carrot, I call it the hamster wheel. A combination of savings and my "little business" (I am by no means rich or even well-off) are keeping me going and even though the situation is experimental and a little scary, I'm in Becca World right now. It's craaaaaazy and coooooool.

I ain't puttin' the pipe down (but I'll share with fellow dreamers).

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