Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oakland BART Cop Shoots and Kills Young Man

My God.

I've just watched two video accounts of the killing of a man on New Year's Eve. The young man was subdued, face down, struggling a bit, but in no position to do any harm to the police officer. Three police officers were present. One of the officers appeared to put his knee on Oscar Grant's head or neck, another officer stood, took out his gun and pulled the trigger, shooting Oscar Grant DEAD.

Oscar Grant was with relatives on New Year's eve. He was riding home on a BART train and apparently (allegedly) there was an altercation on the train. No one has stated that Oscar Grant was involved in the altercation.

The BART police took him and friends from the train. Multiple witnesses say that Oscar complied with police requests. In the video he appears to be struggling a bit, but this could be because they had him face down, with his face mashed into the cement. My viewing tells me that there was ABSOLUTELY NO REASON to pull ANY WEAPON OF ANY KIND out to deal with this young man.

I won't post the videos here, but they can be easily found on You Tube. Very, very disturbing. It appears that all of the young men removed from the train were black.

As far as I'm concerned, the cop MURDERED Oscar Grant. This is at the very least manslaughter. A young black man is dead, leaving his 4-year old child fatherless.

I'm goddamn sick of PIGS in this country acting like they are not PUBLIC SERVANTS and that they can do whatever the hell they want to the citizenry. Their job is to PROTECT and to SERVE, not terrorize, harass and KILL the folks who pay their salaries and who provide their benefits and retirement pay.

My sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Oscar Grant.

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