Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I can't help myself

I laugh every single time I see this video:

Damn, Bush ducks well! I think Laura must be a thrower.

When you're through giggling, try this fun game on for size (a 10, of course):

Throw Shoes on Bush

Yes, I am immature: I'm one of those people who sees someone slip and fall and then laughs. I really can't help myself. I laugh when I slip and fall. I'm glad the shoes didn't hit him: it's funnier this way and there's no sympathy for Bush, who, even though he's a "victim", continues to look like an idiot, though an agile one.

I do have two problems with this, however: The Secret Service didn't really seem to be on the ball, did they? TWO shoes? Second, the journalist who threw the shoes has been thrown in jail, charged with attacking the Iraqi prime minister (huh????), and has reportedly been tortured. Sadly, this is probably true and I'm sure Bush approves.

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